Messages to Marcos Tadeu Teixeira in Jacareí SP, Brazil
Saturday, August 15, 2015
Message From Our Lady And Saint Lucia Of Syracuse (Luzia) - Feast Of The Ascension Of The Most Holy Mary - 434th Class Of Our Lady's School Of Holiness And Love

(Marcos): "Forever be praised Jesus, Mary and Joseph!
What does the Lady wish of Me, Little Mother in Heaven? Yes I will do that. Yes I will.
My dear Lady these people who are here cannot see You. Can you bless them, please? Can you heal the sick and also answer the requests that they have in their hearts? Thank you very much.
I would also like to ask You, where is the soul of the father of my dear friend Matheus Miura? Yes, I will tell them in a hurry! Does he have a message for them? Thank you very much!
Do you also have something, do you want something from the family of this house that received the Pilgrim MTA today?
Yes, I will tell them. Yes.
Do you also have something to say to grandpa who was the one who took all of them in the beginning? I will tell him. I will tell her too.
Yes. Yes, Ma'am. I will give Madam's message to this daughter too.
How nice it would be if they could see You today on the day of Your Feast, all in gold! I understand your reasons Madam! I will give it to him yes. Yes."
(Blessed Mary): "My beloved children, listen to the Message I convey to you through the mouth of My servant. I love you all with all the strength of My Immaculate Heart and My Love.
I bless this family that today receives My Pilgrim MTA and Myself with My little daughter Lucia, with so much love and so much affection.
I truly bless all who live here and I place here two of My Guardian Angels: Lubatel and Celiel to guard this house from all evils, from all dangers that Satan or the world may do against them.
Here, in this family that loves Me so much, I feel happy, I feel comforted and loved. I wish that all the hearts that dwell here know Me more, love Me more, correspond with Me more. My gaze of love and predilection rests upon this family and looks upon them with affection and delight.
How many graces I have already accomplished here and will still accomplish for the joy, good and happiness of My children. And even for all of you, My children who are here with Me today, how many graces I have already accomplished and will accomplish even more.
Open your hearts to Me and I will do great things, great graces, great wonders in you. Believe firmly as if you were seeing Me, and pray with your heart.
Soon My Secrets will begin to happen, and the God-given time for the conversion of the world will end. Convert soon My children! And form the prayer groups that I have been asking for 25 years and you have never done. Do them soon! Because these Prayer Groups will be the groups through which I will save many of My children, prevent apostasy, lack of faith, and hardness of heart from taking over everything and everyone. And it is through these Prayer Groups that I will make the true Catholic Faith endure and overcome these evil times of apostasy and the dominance of Satan and sin.
Through these prayer groups I will lead My great army to victory. These prayer groups are My army, make them everywhere you can always more. For only through these groups little children do I have hope to still save Mine who are lost in the darkness of sin.
Help Me! Help Me! I see so many of My children getting lost and falling into the eternal fire every day. Help Me! Help Me save My children! Make the groups I have asked for everywhere. Pray and come to My Shrine in Jacareí, to meet Me, because there I have great graces to give you. I also have many beautiful and holy things to teach you in My Holiness School, which can only achieve its purpose if you come to Me. Don't waste your time with useless things! These are the last Apparitions I make on the face of the earth.
One day you will regret and feel remorse for not having been at My apparitions in Jacareí when you could. When the Secrets begin to happen, you will see that My Messages have always been true. You will want to go there, but you cannot go there anymore, because the Secrets will not let you go.
Seek Me now as I am so close to you, and let Me be found. Meditate, spread My Messages more. Especially those of La Salette, of Fatima, of Montichiari, of Heroldsbach, and the other locations of My apparitions that My little son Marcos has already given you in the films and Rosaries he has made in My honor.
My son Jesus will greatly reward those who make Me known and loved and spread My Messages. Here in this region there are so few who know Me, who know My Messages. Start little children, start doing the prayer groups here. Start making pilgrimages here to My Shrine, bring My children to Me, and I promise you that truly My son Jesus will pay you for it.
Every soul you save you will be predestining your own to Heaven.
Pray My Rosary every day, those who pray it will not be condemned.
To all those who love Me and obey My Messages I now pour out the abundance of My Heavenly Graces and give also now My Motherly Blessing."
(Saint Lucy): "Beloved brothers and sisters of Mine, I, Lucy, Lucia of Syracuse, am happy to be here today with the Mother of God.
I love this family with a very tender and particular love. I am here always present to help them, to solve their pains and problems, and whatever they ask Me, I will always answer, I will always reach for them with Jesus and Mary.
My beloved brothers and sisters, you are loved by Me, I protect you, I guard you, I defend you in all dangers and needs. Trust in Me, and come to Me more often by praying My Rosary, the Rosary that My beloved Marcos has composed for Me, and has already taught you.
Through this rosary I will give you great and copious graces, such as you have never received before. Convert soon! The secrets of the Mother of God given in the apparitions at Jacareí, Medjugorje, Fatima, La Salette, and other places, are about to happen.
Your conversion, your conversion cannot delay any longer, tomorrow will be too late. Seek the Mother of God now while She is still appearing to you. For I tell you: Soon She will retire to Heaven and will no longer speak to you. And then, those who have heard Her messages will be saved. Those who have despised Her messages for the worldly, ephemeral, transient and futile things of the world, will be lost. Seek salvation as She comes down from Heaven every day to meet you and save you.
I, Lucia, tell you: Love God, pray to have perfect charity. The perfect Love of God, the perfect charity, can only be had by the one who first dies to himself, despises his own will, dies to the world. When you have died to yourselves, to the world, and have managed to despise, to overcome your human will. Then there will be room in your heart for God's love, God will pour His Flame of Love into you and it will so fill your hearts that you will do wonders, see wonders, be transformed into wonders of God's grace for this world.
Oh, pray! Pray a lot! Now is the time for prayer, put God first in your lives and prayer. And everything else will be given to you in addition.
Now is no longer the time to waste the precious time God has given you with worldly things. Dedicate yourselves to God, to Our Lady and to prayer, and you will see how many and how many graces God will give you.
You need to pray early in the morning and late at night, you need to pray 3 hours a day, with little prayer you will not be able to resist the trials when the Secrets happen. The world becomes more evil, wicked, cruel every day. On all sides violence explodes, wars explode, blood flows in the streets and in the homes. In no family is there love, understanding, concord, kindness anymore.
People kill each other for nothing, and the world has become a great desert where hearts are hard, cold, icy, and everyone thinks only of themselves. No one loves their neighbor and even less God, who is the First Person that everyone should love, because He took them out of nothing and gave life to each one.
Turn your hearts to prayer, pray, and teach everyone the true way, the good way that the Mother of God in Her Apparitions comes to teach you.
Only in this way, the world will change from a frozen and loveless desert, into a lush green garden, full of goodness, harmony and peace.
Pray, do the prayer groups that the Mother of God has asked you to do everywhere, only these prayer groups can prevent the flame of holy faith from being extinguished in souls. Only through these prayer groups can the world still have the hope to be saved.
I bless you all with love and especially the family of this house, of Syracuse, of Catania, and of Jacareí.
Peace Marcos, the most hardworking and obedient son and servant of the Mother of God. Peace to you My beloved brothers, whom I care for with special solicitude and affection."
(Marcos): "See you soon dear Lucia. See you soon dear Heavenly Mother."
Take part in the Apparitions and prayers at the Shrine. Inquire by TEL: (0XX12) 9 9701-2427
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